Monthly Archives: November 2012


What a great Titan weekend! Thanks to Nicole, Alanna, Coach Sam and Coach Colette and all the parents and swimmers who helped to make Tag Day and the Santa Claus Parade a great success. We knew it would be fun……… ……NEOR #2 this weekend!...

Coming Events

Tag Day The North Bay ‘Y’ Titans swim team has been approved to operate a “TAG DAY” on Saturday, November 17, 2012. Tag day is one of our big fundraising events for the year, and we ask all swimmers who did not participate in the leaf raking to help out for 2 hours on Saturday. Essentially, the swimmer stands outside an establishment with a collection box and ask for support (ei change), and in exchange, they give away a Titan tag (sticker) thanking them for their support. Please see the sign up sheets on the bulletin boards. We ask...